to manage a global team



Effective communication

Effective communication is crucial in all teams, but it's doubly important in international teams because of language and cultural differences. Managers must be able to listen effectively, identify unspoken concerns and respond in a way that's clear to the other person.


Time zone differences

Suggest two or three meeting times and allow the team members to choose which one suits them best. The meeting time might fall outside of some team members regular business hours, so remember to tell them how you'll compensate them for out-of-hours work.


Technology solutions

Consider using technology to connect with your coworkers for international assignments. Computer programs can allow you to host team discussions as if you were working with your teammates in person, for example: Instant chatting software, video conference tools, email applications,


Avoid micromanagement

To avoid misunderstanding that can lead to costly mistakes, clearly set out project objectives and deliverables from the outset. Don't be tempted to micromanage the hours your team members keep; as long as they deliver the work by the due date and to the standard required, leave the rest up to them.


Check in  often

Schedule a video call instead of sending an email to discuss important projects or deadlines.  On the topic of emails, don't leave emails piling up in your inbox. Team members can become demotivated by unanswered questions and a lack of feedback.